British tank
British tank

TheFV4034Challenger2(MoDdesignationCR2)isathirdgenerationBritishmainbattletank(MBT)inservicewiththearmiesoftheUnitedKingdom,Oman, ...,ThisarticleonmilitarytanksdealswiththehistoryanddevelopmentoftanksoftheBritishArmyfromtheirfirstuseintheFirstWor...

UK's most lethal tank rolls off the production lines

2024年4月18日—BritishArmysoldiersareastepclosertogettingtheirhandsononeofEurope'smostlethaltanks–theChallenger3-theDefenceSecretary ...

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Challenger 2

The FV4034 Challenger 2 (MoD designation CR2) is a third generation British main battle tank (MBT) in service with the armies of the United Kingdom, Oman, ...

Tanks in the British Army

This article on military tanks deals with the history and development of tanks of the British Army from their first use in the First World War, the interwar ...

Mark I

The British Mark I was the first ever tank to see combat. 150 were built, divided into male and female types with 75 of each. Male tanks had sponsons, each ...

Combat Vehicles

The Challenger 2 is a main battle tank, designed to destroy other tanks. It has been used by the British Army on operations in Bosnia and Herzegovina ...

Challenger 3

The Challenger 3 is the new Main Battle Tank being developed by Rheinmetall BAE Systems Land, a joint venture between UK-based BAE Systems and Germany-based ...

UK's most lethal tank rolls off the production lines

2024年4月18日 — British Army soldiers are a step closer to getting their hands on one of Europe's most lethal tanks – the Challenger 3 - the Defence Secretary ...

Britain's Struggle To Build Effective Tanks WW2

The tank was the Centurion, which went on to become one of the most successful of all post-war British designs. After years of struggle, Britain had finally ...

[預購] Alp

The pictures show the figure with 2 different heads.Sculpture by Taesung Harmms / Boxart by Dr. Jin Kim.


TheFV4034Challenger2(MoDdesignationCR2)isathirdgenerationBritishmainbattletank(MBT)inservicewiththearmiesoftheUnitedKingdom,Oman, ...,ThisarticleonmilitarytanksdealswiththehistoryanddevelopmentoftanksoftheBritishArmyfromtheirfirstuseintheFirstWorldWar,theinterwar ...,TheBritishMarkIwasthefirstevertanktoseecombat.150werebuilt,dividedintomaleandfemaletypeswith75ofeach.Maletankshadsponsons,each ....

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